The Performing Photobook 
FORMAT23 Photobook Market & Exhibition 
Curated by Francesca Seravalle
17.03 – 9.04.2023

Exhibition Design by Ask Again

Can a photobook still surprise you? What remains unseen and what has yet to be discovered? Is there anything else we need to perform with the photobook? We obsess over, sometimes even fetishize, these objects. Like bodies, photobooks themselves are in a state of becoming through ‘performing’. The Performing Photobook exhibition aims to reestablish a new relationship with the photobook by playing and having an experience, opening up our imagination isolating the sensory perceptions (taste, touch, sight, hearing, and smell), and performing photobooks through the senses and gesture, but publicly and in the same intimate way that we do privately. In effect, saying in public what we say privately.

In the exhibition, the public became a performer, alongside the photographers, artists, designers, volunteers, curators, printers, musicians, collectors, and all the people who interact with the photobooks and of course the photobooks themselves. 
The collective exhibition can be considered the first experiment and is to be continued – including more communities and more experimental photobooks. It has been possible thanks to the incredible support of publishers from all over the world, from the most established to the self-publishers, and above all, the support of photographers, artists, collectives, and curators.